Tyrah Cobb-Davis (she/her)


Master's Student | Geography and Environmental Systems

University of Maryland, Baltimore County

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Project 1:

Increased Street Flooding in Baltimore City

Climate change is influencing many different factors including changes in precipitation. With more rain, comes more flooding. Flooding is a growing issue in urban environments because of an increase in impervious surfaces such as roads and buildings and clogged strorm drains which prevent the water from going through the storm drain system. For this map I simply used data to show the distribution of where these reports were from the year 2020.


311 data relating to obstructions in storm drains and street flooding reports was obtained from the City of Balimore via OpenBaltimore

Why is this important to my research

I am looking into street flooding in Baltimore so it is important to see where these occurrences take place before considering other factors like: land use, topographic type, presence of surrounding forests/green spaces, etc.